
If your ideal yoga class is some cosy constructive rest with blankets and bolsters, The Still Point is for you. This is an opportunity to slow down, focus inward and spend some quality time with yourself – in the comfort of your own home. Expect an immersive experience consisting of restful postures, sounds, occasional poetry, meridian journeys, and sometimes a little guided imagery. We close with some time to check in together in words. All are welcome, from experienced yogi’s to those who are currently unfit and inflexible. People with fatigue (including CFS and Long Covid) are welcome. The class is trauma-friendly.
What students say
“No matter about my lack of flexibility, I love Jess’s still yoga classes! And for me (with lots of ADHD tendencies, spacial awareness issues and a complete extrovert who finds it difficult even to shut her mouth!) being able to get into a meditative state is a miracle and such a blessing from the universe!”—Colette
“I felt like I’d had a hug for an hour and a half by the end of it.”—Nicola
“I love the still yoga classes. I experience really deep healing from these sessions. My back pain reduces or goes all together. I find that mental knots let go of me. I feel a deep spiritual connection too.”—Tinsel
“I didn’t know about still yoga’s reputed effects until I had done a few classes ... At first I just felt like crying all the time(!), but as time has gone by a deep feeling of peace and calm has taken its place – so it definitely works!”—Belinda
“Finding Jess’s still yoga class was a joy; a coming home. To find a teacher who cradled me in a vocabulary that resonated with my own, to be able to turn away from my mind and be led from asana to asana within an atmosphere of a moving and breathing meditation, not to have to decide myself what pose to do next, and for that guiding to make absolute sense to my body and breath is a rare delight.”—Jane
“Jess is an expert guide to this subtle and meditative form of yoga, which works slowly and deeply into the tissues and muscles, releasing tensions and emotional baggage as it unfurls the body, mind and spirit. It can also offer needed inner support when going through challenging times. Still yoga definitely reaches the parts that other forms of yoga don't reach!”—Caroline
Date of next: The Still Point is pop-up – join the email list to get notification of upcoming dates.
Time: TBC.
Place: Online.
Cost: £12 / £10 low income / £6 financial hardship. For guidance on rates, please read the fee policy.
Spaces: 25.
Booking: here.