
Fee policy for classes
For most classes, there is a scale of fees. I ask you to be responsible for paying the appropriate rate for you. I don't do any checks. Take this as a part of your practice – it is! Please take into account your circumstances. If you’re a retired person with two pensions and your own home, or a student supported by a well-paid partner, you’re probably not in financial hardship. You may be if you’re supporting other people and on a low wage. Please be aware that:
Classes and events have to be financially viable in order to take place.
The giving and receiving of teaching is grounded in a balanced exchange of energies.
This work is the way I make my living.
Among the ethical foundations of yoga are satya, ‘honesty’, and asteya, ‘taking only what we are entitled to’.
If you can realistically pay the regular rate, please pay it. If you need a subsidised class, then please do take one. If you wish to and are able to pay the generosity rate, thank you. Your support is appreciated.
Cancellation policy
For classes there is a 24-hour cancellation policy. Please log into your account to cancel. If you have given 24 hours’ notice, a class pass will be credited to your account. If you have given less than 24 hours’ notice, no class credit will be given and your payment cannot be refunded or transferred. Class passes must be used within three months and cannot be refunded or extended if not used within that period.
It’s your responsibility to check the time, date and venue of your class. Classes cannot be refunded or exchanged if you arrive at the wrong time or place.
For one-to-one sessions there is a 48-hour cancellation policy. Please contact me if you need to cancel. If you have given 48 hours’ notice, we will reschedule your session. If you have given less than 48 hours’ notice, your payment cannot be used for another session or refunded. Blocks of sessions must be used within six months and cannot be refunded or extended if not used within that period.
Privacy policy
Embody is committed to protecting any data you share, and complies with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation.
If you have shared your email address in order to receive information about classes, workshops and events:
You will only ever receive relevant marketing, from Embody, and never from any third party.
I will not share your contact information with any third party.
It's easy to unsubscribe from email lists. There is a clear automatic unsubscribe option at the bottom of each email, or you can contact me and I will remove you from the list.
I never add anyone to an email list unless they have actively asked to be on it.
If you have filled in a class joining form or we have completed a client history form together:
Your information has been collected to enable me to work with you in the safest and most appropriate way, and so that I can contact you about anything relating to our work together if I need to.
Your information is confidential but in the case of classes may be shared with an assistant teacher working with you.
Your information is stored in order to comply with professional insurance requirements and the requirements of professional registering bodies, and as an ongoing reference for me in our work together.
Information is stored securely.
Information is destroyed approximately seven years after the end of our work together.
You can request to see any information I hold about you.
If you are a one-to-one therapeutic client:
I am required by professional registering bodies to take notes on one-to-one therapeutic sessions. This information also enables me to track our work together.
Your information is confidential.
Information is stored securely.
Information is destroyed approximately seven years after the end of our work together.
You can request to see any information I hold about you.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Inclusion and accessibility
I do my best create inclusive space for people of all ethnicities, sexualities, genders, neurotypes and dis/abilities. As an Autistic person, I’m aware that what excludes us is often invisible to others, so if there’s anything you need in order to have full access to a class, or anything you’d like me to know, please do talk to me – we can work it out together.se get in touch.
Photo credits
I would like to thank Andy Gill, Sebastien Pons, Javier Luna, Shawn Ballantine, Irina Krivoshekova, Elena Bernal, Kate Garrett, Angelica Berndt, Hsinyi Ku and Chris Lewis for the images on this site. All photographs are copyright to the photographers and may not be reproduced without permission.